Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Fault In Our Stars By John Green

No matter how painful the ending of this book, The Fault In Our Stars By John Green, for me, it is still worth reading. Because of this book, I was able to understand, if not totally, the situation of those cancer patients. It really made me cried river of tears and could you imagine me reading this book in the wee hours and crying like an idiot? But I really can't help myself especially in the scene where Isaac and Hazel had a eulogy for Augustus for his prefuneral.

If you are looking for a Young Adult book which is a happy ending fairy tale, then this book is not for you. But if you wanted to have a great read for a weekend, this is an ideal book for you to understand the world more on a deeper level. Because this is one of the books that made me realized a lot of things. But it really broke my heart when I was left hanging when I finished the book.

Eulogy of Hazel for Gus' Prefuneral (My Favorite Part)

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